English Language


In order to put into practice some of the contents we have been working with in  class, third ESO students have created original photonovels . This task has allowed them to revise how to make a storyboard as well. Here you can see some examples of their work. Congratulations!!

Mystery in San Francisco

The students of 1st ESO are reading the book"Mystery in San Francisco" and doing oral presentations. In small groups they write down a summary of two chapters and they also present a cultural aspect of San Francisco. Here you are a group talking about The Golden Gate Bridge. On the TV they show the summary of the chapters.  

Ja tenim guanyadors!

El dia 23 d'abril al 4cantons es va celebrar la festivitat de Sant Jordi amb diverses activitats durant el matí, que van culminar amb el lliurament de premis dels concursos organitzats per l’ocasió. Va ser una jornada única, una jornada de tots i per tots. Si voleu saber una mica més, accediu a la web del centre.  De moment, aquí teniu les creacions guanyadores del concurs organitzat per les matèries de llengua catalana, llengua castellana i llengua anglesa. Felicitats a tots els participants i enhorabona als guanyadors!   Guanyadors_Sant Jordi_ Català 2015 Guanyadors_Sant Jordi_ Castellà 2015 Concurs Sant Jordi - Novela - 3ESO- 1r premi Concurs Sant Jordi - Novela - 2n premi Leer más publicaciones en Calaméo Llengua anglesa   Concurs Sant Jordi 2015_Comic   Concurs Sant Jordi_Storytelling Concurs Sant Jordi 2015_Poetry

Sant Jordi is coming!

Sant Jordi is coming soon and we have already prepared the English Language competition for this year 2015. So, you've got different options depending on your abilities: draw a comic, write a poem or explain a story.  Take a look at the rules, do your best and ..... Good luck!!!   Rules Sant Jordi  Contest 2015

My poster of emotions

During these days, 3rd ESO students have been dealing with the topic of feelings and emotions and, in order to practice with the vocabulary, they have elaborated a poster of emotions. So, different adjectives, different situations and an expression on their faces to convey the emotion.  Here you are the results. Good work!!!    

The Fonix 2015

This Saturday 28th February took place the regional stage of the Fonix 2015, the Eighth English Competition for Catalan Schools , designed to promote the use of English among school students through a fun and educational competition in an informal educational setting. Our students representing 2nd, 3rd and 4rth ESO were Zoe, Waleed and Berta. Thanks for your participation!!